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Ujung Kulon National Park

Date added:
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Last revised:
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
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ujung kulon national park is one of conservation area in Indonesia
that has an important rule in preserving nature resources an ecosystem as fit
to the function of protection, preservation and use in effort to suport public
pprosperti and bater living.

well known as the last bome for Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Sondaicus), Ujung Kulon National Park
also has high biodiversity,chnsisting of three ecosystems, they are marine, coastal and terrestrial
containing 30 kinds of mammals, 21 kinds of reptiles, 17 kinds of amphibia,
270 kinds of aves, 63 kinds of reefs, 175 kinds of fishes,and beutiful nature panorama.

those great potentials that Ujung Kulon National Park has are nature
diversity assets for ecoturism, research and culture.


General View

A. Location and Cover Area

Ujung Kulon National Parkcover area of 122,956 ha, consisting of
terrestrial:78,214 ha, Marine:44,337 ha. Ujung Kulon National Park is
administratively located in sumur and cimanggu subdistrict pandeglang region, banten
province, that geografically is between East Longitude 102d 02'32"-105d 37'37"and
South Lattude 06d 30'43"-06d 30'43".

B. History

In 1846, ujung Kulon Flora and Fauna is well known by Junghun,
    botanical expertform germany.

In 1921, Ujung Kulon and Panaitan Island was Nomonater as Nature
    Park by the  Netherland Govermment's Decision Latter No.60 on 16
    November 1921.

IN 1937, Decision of NetherLand Goverment No.17 on 14 june 1937
    is to change Ujung Kulon into Animal Park by including peucang and
    Panaitan Island.

In 1958, based on Decision Letter of Ministry of Arigculture
    No.48/Um/1958 on 17 April 1958 is to change to Ujung Kulon into Nature Park
    by includin marine area of 500 meter form the lowest tidal wave.

In 1967, Decision Letter of Ministry of Agricultre No.16/kpts/Um/1967
    on marct 1967, Gunung Honje is Part of The Ujung Kulon Nature Park

In 1976, Nort Gunung Honje is Part of Ujung Kulon b Decision Letter
    of Ministri of Agriculture No.39/kpts/Um/1979,
    convering area of 9,498 ha, by Decision Letter of Ministri of Forestry
    No.96/kpts/II/1984,the area consisting of: Ujung Kulon Peninsula,
    Gunung Honje, Peucang and Panaitan Island, Krakarau Island and
    Carita Receration Park.

In 1980, on 15 March, Through Ministry of Agriculture statement,
    Ujung Kulon is maaged by National Park Management System.

In 1984, Ujung Kulon National Park is formed

In 1990, based on Decision Latter of Director General Forest Protection and
    Nature Convertation No.44/kpts/DJ/1990 on 8 May 1990, Ujung Kulon
    National Park relasing Krakatau Island to Management of Nature
    Conversation II Tanjung Karang, and Carita Receration Park to Perum
    Perhutani Unit III West Java.

In 1992, Ujung Kulon Was offically  declare on a National Park with the decree
    No.284/kpts-II/1992 Dated February  26, 1992. The area consisting
    Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, Handeuleum
    Islad and Gunung Honje with encompasses approxsimately 76,214 ha
    land and 44.337 ha marine areas

In 1992, UKNP and The Krakatau Isaland Nature Reserve declared as World
    Heritage Site By United Nation Education, Sosial and Cultur
    Organization (UNESCO) With the decree No.SC/Eco/5867.2.409, on

C. Zonation

Ujung Kulon National Park is Managec by Zonation sisytem, based on
Decision Letter of Director General of Forest Protection and Nature
Convertation No: 115/kpts/DJ-VI/1997 on 7 Agustus 1997, about
Zonation in Ujung Kulon National Park consisting of:

a. Core zone covers area of 37,150 ha
b. Forestzone covers area of 77,295 ha
c. Intensive used zone covers area of 1,096 ha
d. Traditional used zone covers area of 1,810 ha
e. Rehabilitation zone covers area of 3,200 ha

Zonation of Ujung Kulon National Park could be seen on the figure below.

Ujung Kulon National Park is one history facts of the ruins of krakatau Mt.
explosion in 1883, which has known for its great explosion that continued to
succession  of the glowing of plants and wild animals. Ujung Kulon National Park
is also well known as home for Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Sondaicus).

Through survey that was done by experts, it was found 700 kinds of flora
and 57 kinds among them are rare and endemic species, and up to present
the flora  and fauna potential are spreaded into these vegetation:

a. Coastal Forest, formation is consisting of pes caprae (Ipomoea pescaprae (katang-katang)),
spinifex littoreus (jukut kiara), pandanus tectorius (pandanan), and barringtonia (butun(Baringtonia asiatica)),
Api-api (Avicena app).

b. Mangrove,general kinds which founded  are padi-padi (Lumnitzeraracemosa), api-api (Avicena spp).

c. Fresh Wather Swamp, is known by the Types of Typha (Thypa Angustifolia),teki (Cyperus spp.).

d. Lowland Tropical Forest is known by palma.

Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the oldest national park in INdonesia.
Many kind of Animal live and reproduce in this park.

Numbers of kinds of fauna which are known to the present are shown as in table 1.

        Table 1. Flora and Fauna potentials
        in Ujung Kulon National Park

    |No|Kinds              |Number of kinds |
    |1 |Fauna              |                       |
    |  |mammals          |    35     |
    |  |Primates           |    5      |
    |  |Birds                |    240   |
    |  |Reptiles            |    59    |    
    |  |Amphibia          |    22    |
    |  |Pisces              |    142   |
    |  |Coral Reefs       |    33    |

Numbes of Species above Mentioed, compare to total nuber of species
on java,26, 32% of mammals, 66, 3% of Birds and 34, 10% of reptiles live in Ujung Kulon National.
The comparation is shown in table 2.

        Table 2. Comparation of Faua in Java with Ujung Kulon National Park

    |No|    Kind     | Java Island | Ujug Kulo NP |       %  |
    |1 |Mammals    |     133     |         35      | 26,32 |
    |2 |Birds          |     362     |      240     | 66,30 |
    |3 |Reptils       |     173     |      59         | 34,10 |
    |  |        |          |             |         |
