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ujung kulon tour

Tour Ujung Kulon National Park Tour The World Heritage Site


Tour Ujung Kulon and Ujung Kulon National Park at Glance

Ujung Kulon Tour - Tour Ujung Kulon is The Tour to National Park Ujung Kulon including Adventure Tracking Ujung Kulon, Ecotour and Traveling to the tropical rain forest and home of Javan Rhinoceros (JAVAN RHINO) and ecosystem of Ujung Kulon national park, its Adventure tour of Tropical rain forest which is the tour will accompaied by our local friendly guide from www.krakatau-tour.com, the trip to Ujung Kulon National Park Tropical Rain Forest can be start from Jakarta drive to Costal town of Carita beach and continuing by speed boat its will take the journey about 2 hours or from Carita drive a cross country side and start boat trip from Sumur fisherman village and continue by large traditional wooden boat. as we know that Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the most beautiful and unique Tropical Rain Forest National Park in Indonesia.
java rhinoThe Ujung Kulon peninsula is the western most extension of Java. The park includes the peninsula, as well as the offshore islands of Peucang Island, Handeleum Island and Panaitan Island. This beautiful peninsula, protected on three sides by the sea and on the east by the Honje Mountains, has been a natural refuge for wildlife, now rare in the rest of heavily populated Java, and is the last place in the world where the once common Javan Rhinoceros is found. Ujung Kulon Tropical Rain Forest also contains some of the last tracts of undisturbed lowland Tropical rain forest to be found in Java. Typical vegetation in Ujung Kulon is dense thickets of palms, gingers and bamboos.

The Javan Rhino are rarely seen, Banteng (Javan Wild Oxen) frequent the grazing grounds morning and evening accompanied by Peafowl, Leaf Monkeys, Macaques, Pigs, Squirrels and Otters. Fruit Bats and large Monitor Lizards are also common and Green Turtle nest on the west beach. 220 bird species have been recorded as resident, the most common being Horn bills, Woolly-necked Storks, Green Peafowl, Barbets, Bulbuls and Bee Eaters. Water birds are common in the Nyiur swamps and there are many sea birds and waders. One of the attractions of Peucang Island are almost tame Rusa Deer and long-tailed Macaques sometimes to tame, and the big Monitor Lizards so easy to see at the camp.

Tracking ujung kulonUjung Kulon ( Ujung Kulon Tour) the name means Western Tip ( Tour to wester tip) “ is leading park in Indonesia and barely part of  Java . Being the only Habitat of the endangered one horn Java Rhinoceros, the park over an excellent spot for eco tourism. Located in the Western Tip of Java Island , Handeleum Island , Peucang Island , Panaitan Island , mountain honje range and the water surrounding , make the area a complete and outstanding nature conservation. Historically Ujung Kulon National Park was a leading hunting ground during the Dutch time until the research of Botanists found the several Fauna species were already at the threshold  extinction and should be Immediately conserved such species are Javan Rhinoceros , Leopard , Grey Gibbon , Green Peafowl and Green Turtles.
Available attraction are some vacation resort, White sandy beaches with calm and clear water,  marine gardens, Surfing spot , some cultural historically scene such cemetery statues and building. Of the feeding ground that are slatted over the area wild games such as wild oxen , wild pig , monkeys , giant , lizard , and friendly deer are easy target for photo hunter. he river traverse the park offer an exciting opportunity for Canoeing, Tracking, Camping, bird watching, diving, snorkeling, fishing and enjoying the intact the tropical rain forest as well as the mangrove forest .

peucang island beach Ujung Kulon National Park ( Ujung Kulon Tour ) Consist Of :
Peucang Island ( Peucang Island Tour ): Ujung Kulon National Park the unique and delightful Peucang island lies and clear blue water off the north western coast line of the National park. It is white sand beaches. Calm, quite and coral reef shore hold a fascinating world marine life. Here also easy to see a lot of grey monkey, deers, wild pig, kinds of bird and lizard and The Lodge for visitors are available here.
Karang Copong ( Karang Copong tour ): is Last part / ended of Peucang Island, along the tracking rote, kind of deer, bird, and tropical rain forest with big trees are found and ended at karang copong that is the big reef with holes located in marine. In the evening its nice place to see sunset. The track will spend 3 hours return.
Cidaon Grazing ground ( Cidaon Grazing Ground Tour ): is one of grazing ground in Ujung Kulon National Park that can be reach by boat to cross Peucang Island and continuing by walk 100 m from beach. There are wild cow, peacock, wild pig, kind of bird and etc come to this feeding ground mostly in the evening.
Badul Island ( Badul Island Tour ): a small uninhabited , reef-lined island with beautiful white sand beaches beautiful coral and colorful fishes.
Handeleum island ( Handeleum Island Tour ) : situated among a group of small island just off the north eastern coast of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula and the Clean Guest House for visitors are available here.
Canoeing Cigenter RiverCigenter River Canoeing : the river for an hour or so through some prime rain forest terrain will allow for many opportunities to view wildlife. The riverbanks are lined with the footprints of  Banteng / wild bull and the Javan Rhino. The treetops are home to the many types of monkey and bird life. Hornbills fly overhead , pythons hang on tree branches , and monitor lizards scurry up the riverbanks.
Paddling Canoe to the Cigenter River at Ujung Kulon Nationa Park was an unbelievably fantastic experience. It's remarkably peaceful and lovely here, yet full of primeval, Jurassic Park stuff rain forest and trees that have fallen into the river. The rich colors of the place are so beautiful, and the strong tropical sun creates great pools of mottled light on the river's surface.
Cimayang : a most spectacular white sand beach where the rain forest meets the ocean. Camp is set on the beach.  fire wood and barbeque fish in front of a camp while enjoying the night of rain forest.
Cibom : The old duct port it was destroyed by Tsunami of Krakatau at 1883,  Starting point to  Tracking  for Ciramea and Tanjung Layar Light House.
Ciramea : the southern part of Ujungkulon National Park open Indian ocean with white soft sandy beaches to search the Green Turtle and egg are often seen in this beach.
Tanjung Layar Light House ( Tajung Layar Tour) : During the Netherland colonial, Tanjung Layar Ujung Kulon this place is plane to be big trade peer, historical ruin can be seen are light house and other building built during that time. Here we can see the ruins of Old light House which has destroyed by tsunami of krakatau volcano 1883. here is the last point of  west java island and also can be seen the view of Indian Ocean and Sunda Strait which has nice view. once in while, primate are seen as tracking along this route.
Panaitan Island ( Panaitan Island Tour ) : part of Ujung Kulon National Park cover area of 17.500 ha and has many nature secret that can be enjoyed also has historical fact of Ganesha Statue, which is located at the top of Mountain Raksa as approve that in the past there was humanization of Hindus there before Krakatau Explosion in 1883. here we will pick up the ranger to tracking up to Gunung / Mountain Raksa to see wild life and Ghanesa statue on the top the journey approximately 4 hours return.
Taman Jaya Village : the last village where the road down the coastline end the boarder of Ujung Kulon National Park, is the out side the park boundary passed through hills, rice field, beaches take about 6 hours, arrived in the afternoon ( rest ) than short walk meandering through Taman Jaya village and paddy field leads to a hot spring just outside the park boundary.
Adventure Tour  Ujung Kulon National Park and Eco Tour Rain Forest Ujung Kulon National Park
Tour to Ujung Kulon national park is Eco-adventure tour to the unique and the most beautiful national park in Indonesia archipelago, huge tropical rain forest of Ujung Kulon wild life and home of endangered one horn javan Rhinoceros (Badak Jawa), the tour to ujung kulon starting from carita beach direct to Ujung kulon by speed boat or drive through country side to Sumur fisherman village and continuing by large wooden boat, on the way to handeleum island stop over at badul island which the island are small with soft white sand and blue clear glassy water the marine garden are very interesting to do swimming, snorkeling/skin dive, the kinds beautiful colorful of coral fishes can be seen here, continuing to handeleum island the group of mangrove island which gust house are available here, deers, grey monkey, horn bill other singing birds and tropical birds are easy to see. here the starting point to go canoeing / padling cigenter river through the jungle of tropical rain forest, crocodile are here but rare to see, the phiton hang on the branch of the tree just over head, the birds flying over head and siting on the tree here are good place for bird watching tour as well and try to seek the java rhino track we may see the rhino here if lucky, along cigenter river best place for javan rhino and rhino often come to this river and cross the river. land and Tracking Tour Ujung Kulon by continuing tracking to citerjun in mid of ujung kulon national park, tracking back and padling with the same route, the journy continuing to next destination of Peucang island will take about 1 hours from hadeleum island. Peucang Island the unique and delightful Peucang island lies and clear blue water off the north western coast line of the National park. It is white sand beaches. Calm, quite and coral reef shore hold a fascinating world marine life. Here also easy to see a lot of grey monkey, deers, wild pig, kinds of birds and lizard. here there are nice guest house. the activities can be doing tracking to Karang Copong is Last part / ended of Peucang Island, along the tracking rote, kind of deer, bird, and tropical rain forest with big trees are found and ended at karang copong that is the big reef with holes located in marine. In the evening its nice place to see sunset. The track will spend 3 hours return from guest house. and visit Cidaon Grazing ground, is one of grazing ground in Ujung Kulon national park that can be reach by boat to cross Peucang Island and continuing by walk 100 m from beach. There are wild cow, peacock, wild pig, kind of bird and etc come to this feeding ground mostly in the evening. the next day we will continuing by boat to cibom and tracking to south cost of ujung kulon then to tanjung layar and return to cibom and back to peucang island the journey wich will take about 4-5 hours. tracking to Cibom ( The old duct port it was destroyed by Tsunami of Krakatau at 1883 )  Starting point to Ciramea and Tanjung Layar  Ciramea the southern part of Ujung kulon open Indian ocean with white soft sandy beaches to search the Green Turtle and egg are often seen in this beach.
Tanjung Layar Light House, During the Netherland colonial, this place is plane to be big trade peer, historical ruin can be seen are light house and other building built during that time. Here we can see Old light House also see the view of Indian Ocean and Sunda Trait.  Once in while, primate are seen as tracking along this route.
Ujung Kulon National Park History

In 1846, ujung Kulon Flora and Fauna is well known by Junghun, botanical expert form Germany.
In 1921, Ujung Kulon and Panaitan Island was Nominated as Nature Park by the  Netherland Government's Decision Latter No.60 on 16  November 1921.
in 1937, Decision of NetherLand Government No.17 on 14 June 1937 is to change Ujung Kulon into Animal Park by including peucang and  Panaitan Island.
In 1958, based on Decision Letter of Ministry of Agriculture  No.48/Um/1958 on 17 April 1958 is to change to Ujung Kulon into Nature Park  by including marine area of 500 meter form the lowest tidal wave.
In 1967, Decision Letter of Ministry of Agricultre No.16/kpts/Um/1967  on marct 1967, Gunung Honje is Part of The Ujung Kulon Nature Park.
In 1976, Nort Gunung Honje is Part of Ujung Kulon by Decision Letter of Ministri of Agriculture No.39/kpts/Um/1979,  covering area of 9,498 ha, by Decision Letter of Minister of Forestry No.96/kpts/II/1984,the area consisting of: Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Gunung Honje, Peucang and Panaitan Island, Krakatau Volcano Island and Carita Recreation Park.
In 1980, on 15 March, Through Ministry of Agriculture statement, Ujung Kulon is managed by National Park Management System.
In 1984, Ujung Kulon is formed Ujung Kulon National Park
In 1990, based on Decision Latter of Director General Forest Protection and Nature Consevation No.44/kpts/DJ/1990 on 8 May 1990, Ujung Kulon National Park releasing Krakatau Island to Management of Nature Conversation II Tanjung Karang, and Carita Recreation Park to Perum  Perhutani Unit III West Java.
In 1992, Ujung Kulon Was officially  declare on a National Park with the decree  No.284/kpts-II/1992 Dated February  26, 1992. The area consisting Ujung Kulon Peninsula, Panaitan Island, Peucang Island, Handeuleum slad and Gunung Honje with encompasses approximately 76,214 ha land and 44.337 ha marine areas

In 1992
, Ujung Kulon National Park and The Krakatau Volcano Isaland Nature Reserve declared as World  Heritage Site By United Nation Education, Social and Culture Organization (UNESCO) With the decree No.SC/Eco/5867.2.409, on 1992.

Ujung Kulon National Park Zonation
Ujung Kulon National Park is Manage by Zonation system, based on Decision Letter of Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Convertation No: 115/kpts/DJ-VI/1997 on 7 Agustus 1997, about Zonation in Ujung Kulon National Park consisting of:
a.  Core zone covers area of 37,150 ha
b.  Forest zone covers area of 77,295 ha
c.  Intensive used zone covers area of 1,096 ha
d. Traditional used zone covers area of 1,810 ha
e.  Rehabilitation zone covers area of 3,200 ha

Ujung Kulon National Park is one history facts of the ruins of Krakatau -Krakatoa Volcano explosion in 1883, which has known for its great explosion that continued to succession  of the glowing of plants and wild animals. Ujung Kulon National Park is also well known as home for Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Sondaicus).

Through survey that was done by experts, it was found 700 kinds of flora and 57 kinds among them are rare and endemic species, and up to present the flora  and fauna potential are spreaded into these vegetation:
a. Coastal Forest, formation is consisting of pes caprae (Ipomoea pescaprae (katang-katang)),
spinifex littoreus (jukut kiara), pandanus tectorius (pandanan), and barringtonia (butun(Baringtonia asiatica)),
Api-api (Avicena app).
b. Mangrove,general kinds which founded  are padi-padi (Lumnitzeraracemosa), api-api (Avicena spp).
c. Fresh Wather Swamp, is known by the Types of Typha (Thypa Angustifolia),teki (Cyperus spp.).
d. Lowland Tropical Forest is known by palma.

Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the oldest national park in Indonesia. Many kind of Animal live and reproduce in this park.
Numbers of kinds of fauna which are known to the present are shown as:
Flora and Fauna potentials in Ujung Kulon National Park
1. Fauna
mammals = 35 Kinds, Primates = 5 Kinds, Birds = 240 Kinds, Reptiles = 59 Kinds, Amphibia = 22 Kinds,
Pisces = 142 Kinds, Coral Reefs = 33 Kinds.
Numbes of Species above Mentioed, compare to total nuber of species on java,26, 32% of mammals, 66, 3% of Birds and 34, 10% of reptiles live in Ujung Kulon National.
The Tour Ujung Kulon or Ujung Kulon Tour can be start from Jakarta Airport or Jakarta Hotel drive to Costal town of Carita Beach will takes about 3-4 hours drive and Continuing by Speed Boat double engines to Ujung Kulon Nationa Park which the Joureny which will takes about 2-2,5 hours.
Or from Carita beach drive to Sumur Vilage through country side about 2,5 hours and continuing by Slow Large Wooden Boat the journey wich will takes about 1,5 hours
Ujung Kulon Tour - Tour Adventure Ujung Kulon National park is best for Photos Tour Rain Forest and landscap, Adventure Rain Forest, Study tour rain forest, Hiking and tracking Ujung Kulon tour, Ujung Kulon National park which is the skin dive, swimming and Snorkeling at Peucang Island island are excellent too, the clear blue water and White sandy beaches are best for those who Love white sandy Beaches and Caoneing throught the river to the mid of the rain forest are best activities too.

" Lets do Eco Tour Ujung Kulon National Park and Save our Planet "


Java Rhino Eco-Tour Indonesia
Let's do adventure tour In Indonesia and Safe our Planet
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