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Ujung kulon dive tour is tour to Ujung Kulon National park covering the penisula at the south west tip of Java and Panaitan Island, Ujung Kulon National Park is a rich area of lowland tropical rain forest. on these 420 square kilometers are hornbil and mynahs, wild board and rusa deer, macaques and monitor lizards.the most famaus in habitants, how ever the last wild java rhino ceros still exist.
Dive Tour The Tanjung Layar Light House Ujung Kulon

Dive tour Tanjung Layar Lighthouse on the tip of Ujung Kulon is the landmark for triangulating a Rocky Dive location off the west point of Ujung Kulon Penisula.
Beneth the surface how ever, the sea is surprisingly calm. the visibiity is quite good, the rocks that jut just above the water plunge underneth the surface 30 meters, looking just like submerged mountain. coral is scarce. but in the underwater valeys there where large Barracuda, School of fusilier and other medium size fishes and platoons of bumphead parrothfish also turtle circiling the submerged rocks and fat, nosy reef whiteetip shark.

Dive Tour Karang Copong Peucang Island Of Ujung Kulon

Dive tour in This Small Island Whitin sight of the nortwest tip of Peucang Island. The highlit of this shallow to 12 meters dive are tunels in the rock that lead to caves in the island. seeing school of fish swimming in and out of these tunels is a surprisingly breathtaking experience. visibility is 20 meters.
The surge here quite strong and you are rocked back and forth as prevaling carries you from the tunels a cross some sandy mounds where the sea life is abundant including some nice soft corals.
The Dive Tour Ujung Kulon :
The dive tour Ujung Kulon National Park will start from Marina Lippo Carita by Fast Boat double engines or by Large slow wooden Boat, The term of dive tour Ujung Kulon National park depend on your request:
1. UJUNG KULON DIVE TOUR 2 DAYS / 1 NIGHT   (Stay at Peucang Island).
2. UJUNG KULON DIVE TOUR 3 DAYS / 2 NIGHTS (Stay at Peucang Island).
The boat transportation its also depend on your request ( FAST BOAT or LARGE SLOW WOODEN BOAT)
Please send us email for your request dive tour. 
The dive tour Ujung Kulon is Eco-dive tour. you not only dive but you can also enjoying the tour of Ujung Kulon Rain forest the only home of Java Rhino (Java Rhinoceros).
here you will see the beautiful wild life of Ujung Kulon National Park with to do short tracking, canoeing and visiting grazing ground also interesting.
Lets do Eco-dive and Eco-tour Save our Planet