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baduy tribe

Prohibited for Foreigner, But Possible to Visit Outer Baduy

Baduy tribe tour, Baduy is the only one tribe in Banten province most of the tribe life in the hilly mountain, the tour to baduy tribe start from carita drive through the country side and rice field and mountain its will take 2,5 up to 3 hours drive to Ciboleger the entrance gate to Baduy comunity from here continuing by walk hicking and tracking the mountain, the village of baduy and the culture of baduy are very fantastic, clean, quite and all the house they make from wooden and bammboo tree, make own cloth, barter market and  some of them still life in the three house. no fight, whise and honest are the syimbol of baduy culture. which is the tour will accompaied by our local friendly guide from www.krakatau-tour.com.

Baduy TribeBaduy : animist tribe in the Mountain Kendeng area about 5.101 ha, live, in Kanekes Village. Leuwidamar Sub district, about 38 km from Rangkasbitung the City of Lebak Regency.  know as holy men, by black magic and simple life. Religious refusal to all outside influence, happy without technology, the plastic world has stopped. No police, no money, not much government, high ethics secluded area like monastery, 6000 people at 1987. now about 8000 people.
The community is classified in the Baduy Dalam White Baduy (Inner Baduy ) and Baduy Luar Black Baduy (Outer Baduy ). About 400 people of baduy dalam live in three villages which are completely surround by a protective buffer zone of baduy luar. Each village of baduy dalam is headed by PUUN who is demand sacred for possessing hereditary spiritual power.

Baduy Consists of two part :
Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy) : Live in three Kampung’s; Cikeusik, Cikertawarna and Cibeo. They have their own government, the tradition government. There are three heads of ethnic group as the head of government. We call them PUUN, that is Cikeusik, Cibeo.

baduy villageBaduy Luar (outer Baduy) : Live in the outside of the three Kampung’s. There are 53 Kampung in the Baduy. There is a tradition community, they have the firm tradition law Cikertawarna and Cibeo PUUN’S. They are have eight assistant which have the same function and duties and called JARO. The most of the Baduys are Farmers. They plant Huma Rice (padi Huma / padi ladang) and other plantation. Beside farmers the make religion is “Sunda Wiwitan”, they believe only One God, SANG HYANG TUNGGAL as handicrafts like Koja’s bag, palm sugar, woven products and less are merchands.Their Rhe creature, arrange and decider in the live.

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